Thursday, May 23, 2013

And then there was that one time . . .

when I didn't post anything for a year. In my defense, I've been working a LOT, having a cute baby boy, and moving across the country.

Now that the job I've been working at for over a year is nearing its final day, and now that my cute baby boy is three months old and starting to get on his own schedule, and now that I'm partially settled into my new home on the east coast, I hope to start sewing again! Soon. Very soon.

I currently have half a dozen cuts of fabric just waiting to be turned into something amazing.

And speaking of that, I'm also considering making this blog into more of an all sorts of creations blog. It could be altered to read Meg & the MachineS. Perhaps I will include creations that come from more than just my sewing machine, like my KitchenAid, my laptop, my own brain (is that a machine?). I don't know. If I can actually get myself to post regularly I will consider it a success, regardless of what I decide to include.
