Friday, May 11, 2012

Hello, world.

I'm Meg. I created this blog to share my sewing projects.

Ever since I found the Machine--

I have been in a sewing frenzy. The above bad girl replaced my first ever sewing machine, a basic, bare-bones Brother model that was good enough for the basic, bare-bones sewing projects I was doing. 

My Singer is... amazing. Sure, there are more complex and definitely more expensive sewing machines out there, but this one does not disappoint. (When I discovered the double overlock stitch, I wanted to break out into song. I no longer need or want to buy a serger!) 

But a little bit more about me.

I'm 28-soon-to-be-29. I am the mother of one lively little girl, V. I am the wife of one very smart and hardworking husband, Mr. G. My main vocation at the moment is mom, though I spend naptimes (and some nighttimes) as an attorney. I love to read, write, cook, bake, watch movies, go on walks with V, and travel. Our next trip is an Eastern Caribbean cruise this fall.

Sewing is an outlet for me. I love all types of sewing-- having made several quilts and many, many articles of clothing, both with and without patterns. I am always looking for a new challenge, but I also love easy projects, like embellishing onesies for babies or t-shirts for myself.

I sew because it makes me happy, and it saves me money. Being 6' tall, I often can't find skirts and dresses (or shorts and pants) that are long enough.  I hope to be able to help my daughter out in this area as she grows up, as she is destined to take after her parents in height (and dazzling wit and intelligence... ha).

I don't know exactly what my vision for this blog is, other than that I hope people will find it useful. I love sewing tutorials off the interwebs-- there are so many talented sewists!!-- and I will always link back to the tutorials I use. If you have created a tutorial you'd like me to try, just let me know! I am by no means a sewing wizard, and I'm sure I'll have some projects that don't work out. I will try to showcase all of it, so others can learn from my mistakes.

Welcome to my sewing corner of the internet.



  1. Oh yay! I'm so excited! I'm your newest follower! If you're ever looking for some publicity you know you can always turn to The Creative Vault for a feature. I adore your style and have been dying I see all the things you've been making! Welcome to the craft blog world!

  2. Woot! Now you will have to photograph all your creations!

  3. This is the best idea I've ever had!
